2011.6.11 (土)
Blessing victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
Kesennuma, Miyagi-ken
A week long pirith chanting was conducted at the temple SAMBUDDHALOKAJI in Ibaraki-ken from 3rd to 10th of June. After the chanting, the holy water was carried to Kesennuma in Miyagi-ken to bless victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami for protection from all kinds of misfortune. 13 Mahatheras visited Japan from Sri Lanka for this ceremony, and many chief incumbents and bhikkhus of Viharas in Japan joined them. More than 20 Theras toured the city by the float chanting Ratana Sutta and sprincling the holy water to bless all living beings in the city. Theras also chanted Ratana Sutta to the victims at the hall of the local senior high school and blessing with the holy water and the sacred thread.
(photo by Tetsuya Oisi, Yuko Takahashi)